Takes Coereba_MarkerExpressions data.frame and returns Marker Expression Beeswarm plots
Takes Coereba_MarkerExpressions data.frame and returns Marker Expression Beeswarm plots
cex = 1,
size = 1.5,
corral.width = 1,
crossbar = "median",
XAxisLevels = NULL,
savePlot = FALSE,
outpath = NULL,
filename = NULL,
dpi = 600,
width = 9,
height = 3,
filterForThese = NULL,
combinatorialStartsWith = NULL
- data
A data.frame of metadata and summarized markers from Utility_MarkerExpressions
- panel
A .csv or data.frame containing Fluorophore and Marker columns of your panel markers.
- myfactor
The column name by which you want to group outputs in the plot
- shape_palette
A scale manual list assigning shape to factor level
- fill_palette
A scale fill list assigning fill to factor level
- cex
geom_beeswarm argument, default 1
- size
geom_beeswarm argument, default 1.5
- corral.width
geom_beeswarm argument, default 1
- crossbar
geom_boxplot argument, default "median"
- XAxisLevels
Provide list marker names correct order for x-axis reordering, default NULL
- savePlot
Whether to save ggplot object to outfolder, default = FALSE
- outpath
Specify file.path to desired storage location
- filename
Specify desired filename
- dpi
Specify desired pixel resolution
- width
Specify desired width inches
- height
Specify desired height inches
- filterForThese
A list containing names of markers desire to include final plot, default NULL
- combinatorialStartsWith
Default NULL, if aggregated data is combinatorial, starting string of characters (ex. CD45)
shape_ptype <- c("HU" = 22, "HEU-lo" = 21, "HEU-hi" = 21)
fill_ptype <- c("HU" = "white", "HEU-lo" = "darkgray", "HEU-hi" = "black")
File_Location <- system.file("extdata", package = "Coereba")
panelPath <- file.path(File_Location, "ILTPanelTetramer.csv")
binaryPath <- file.path(File_Location, "HeatmapExample.csv")
dataPath <- file.path(File_Location, "ReadyFileExample.csv")
panelData <- read.csv(panelPath, check.names=FALSE)
binaryData <- read.csv(binaryPath, check.names=FALSE)
dataData <- read.csv(dataPath, check.names=FALSE)
All <- Coereba_MarkerExpressions(data=dataData, binary=binaryData,
panel=panelData, starter="SparkBlue550")
ThePlot <- Utility_MarkerPlots(data=All, panel=panelData,
myfactor="ptype", shape_palette = shape_ptype,
fill_palette = fill_ptype, filterForThese=c("CD7", "CD4", "CD8"),
XAxisLevels = c("CD7", "CD4", "CD8"))